LOTUS integrates digital pedagogy, employability skills and personalised career guidance within vocational education and training to equip teachers and learners with the skills need to build resilience and unlock their future careers.

Project Number: 2022-2-IE01-KA220-VET-000099488

About The Project

LOTUS supports the development of digital pedagogy and expertise of VET teachers, focusing on the creation and innovative use of digital education content. Using DigCompEdu our focus is on building educators’ pedagogic competences in the areas to teaching & learning, and digital resources. 


Through LOTUS, we are supporting VET learners to develop their career management skills and build their resilience to cope with the changing nature of work and the labour market.

The objectives of LOTUS:

  • Design, develop, test and implement a robust in-service training programme for VET professionals to develop their digital pedagogy. A Community of Practice will be established for EU-wide networking, sharing & exchange of practice. 
  • Develop a Career Management Toolkit for personal and professional development for learners comprising career management resources that will support learners to Prepare; Search and Secure employment post qualifying.
  • Develop an evidence -informed MOOC to address resilience-building within the VET community for educators and learners using the 3P model of resilience – Personalisation, Pervasiveness, and Permanence.

Teaching and Learning Resources

LOTUS provides three innovative packages of teaching and learning resources that can be used directly by VET educators and learners in their day-to-day educational activities across Europe.


All teaching and learning resources are accessible for free as OERs through the LOTUS digital platform. 

LOTUS In-service Training for VET Professionals

The focus of the in-service training addresses two key roles of VET educators

1. as facilitators of online and/or hybrid learning and career management skills and

2. as developers and producers of media-rich digital learning content.

LOTUS Toolkit for VET Learners

LOTUS Interactive Infographics for Career Management Skills aimed at young VET Learners address 3 core career management areas as follows:




LOTUS MOOC for Resilience Building

LOTUS MOOC on Resilience Building for the VET Community explores what resilience is and the capabilities, skills, and self-care practices that contribute to building resilience.


Meet the Team

The project team behind LOTUS brings together six organisations from Ireland, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy and Portugal.


Czech Republic





Audience for LOTUS

As a project team we are working through this Erasmus+ project to create teaching and learning resources for:

Make a contribution to the LOTUS project

There is an open invitation throughout the lifetime of the project for members of the VET community to join the LOTUS Local Stakeholder Panels (LSPs). The members of these panels will work with the local project partners to inform, shape, test and evaluate the teaching and learning resources of the project. If you have time and expertise to share, we would love to hear from you.

Please reach out and connect through our LinkedIn Community of Practice:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
